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Mori 3/8 Cable Slip Tip

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Mori 3/8 Cable Slip Tips are the ultimate sliptip for blue water hunting.

Hardened stainless Slip Tip that comes in Tri-Cut with stainless cable for ultimate strength.


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Mori 3/8 Cable Slip Tip

The Mori 3/8 Cable Slip Tip is the ultimate sliptip for blue water hunting. A hardened stainless Tri-Cut with stainless cable delivers unmatched precision and moreover, ultimate strength. In other words, perfect bone crunching ability.

This fantastic Sliptip is for you if you want to go and spear big tough bony fish and love spearfishing around wrecks. The cable stands up to sharp metal from wrecks and rigs. It is perfect for gear wreckers like Dog Tooth Tuna. The cable is rated at 920 lbs and is easily replaced.If you need any more convincing, then check out this impressive pool test!

In some cases, such as with big fish or long shots, the tip fails to penetrate completely through the fish. As a result, the tip will literally “pop off” it’s adapter the instant the fish flexes its body or accelerates. The sharp pointed rear barb on the slip tip though digs into the fish’s flesh and quickly “toggles” the tip inside the fish, resulting in fewer lost fish.

The Mori is well known as the most accurate tip available, hand made & tuned by master craftsman Masahiro Mori.


Slip Tip Features and Specifications:

  • 5/16 Thread
  • Tri-Cut
  • >Rated at 920 lbs
  • With 3/8 slip ring and adaptor so suit 3/8 shafts.

Additional information


Tri Cut, Pencil Point


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