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Cressi Gun Pump

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The Cressi Gun Pump for Pneumatic Spearguns used to pump the pressure in the barrel for optimum performance of a speargun that maybe lacking in punch.


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The Cressi Gun Pump is designed to fit all Cressi pneumatic spearguns.

Use the pump for Pneumatic spearguns to pump the pressure in the barrel.

This allows for optimum performance of a speargun that maybe lacking in punch.

Please note: it is not necessary to pump the gun after every use as you can damage the inner workings of the gun by over pressurising the barrel.

Therefore, only when you notice a lack in pressure should you give it a couple of pumps.


Features of the Cressi Gun Pump:

  • Threaded end coupling with O-ring seal
  • Durable steel construction
  • 8mm Thread to Fit Cressi Models
  • T-Handle for Easy Actuation of Pump Mechanism


Tips for Pneumatic Spearguns:

  • NEVER fire the gun out of the water.
  • They are designed specifically for in water use, you can cause great damage to the inside of the gun which can be very costly.
  • NEVER load the gun out of the water before you dive in as accidents can and have happened never rely on the safety.


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